Application Process
Should you be interested in acquiring a service dog from Dogs for Life, the following is a typical process:
An interested client completes the application form.
Initial characterization of the client and his/her requirements by a multidisciplinary team. Factors that are considered include the general health, physical condition, age, communication ability and lifestyle of the client.
An interview with the family may be conducted for clients who are cognitively impaired, to determine the families expectations of acquiring a service dog, how having a service dog might affect other family members and if there are any lifestyle or health factors that would determine the suitability of breed of dog.
Exposure of the client to a number of dogs to assess his/her fitness level, limitations and how he/she relates to dogs.A contract is signed and a suitable dog identified for the client family. Dogs may be sourced as puppies or from dogs currently in training.
An individualised training program is designed for the dog, in consultation with psychological and medical personnel to ensure that the dog meets the client’s needs.
Training the dog (general behaviour, basic training, advanced training)
Training the client to utilise the dog effectively after initial training is complete.
As it takes time to train a replacement dog, an application for a replacement service dog should be placed as soon as retirement is considered for an existing dog. I'm a paragraph. ​